
Find Grainsong breads at the following retail & restaurant locations in Mendocino, Sonoma, and Lake Counties:

The Boonville Hotel, Boonville

Find Grainsong breads on the menu at The Boonville Hotel.

Delivered Thursdays around noon. 

Delivered most Saturdays. Call for availability.

Delivered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday around noon. Call for availability.

Delivered Tuesdays. Call for availability.

Offspring, Boonville

Find Grainsong breads on the menu at Offspring.

Patrona, Ukiah

Find Grainsong breads on the menu at Patrona.

Paysanne, Boonville

Delivered Thursday and Saturday. Call for availability.

Delivered Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday around noon. Call for availability.

Want your local grocery to carry Grainsong? Are you a retailer interested in selling Grainsong? Contact us and we'll try to make it happen.